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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 182

"African Americans Who Made a Difference" posters and postcards

 Collection — Flat file drawer: A-20
Identifier: SC-2022-08
Scope and Contents

Ten posters published by Bread and Roses and 17 postcards published by Helaine Victoria Press, Inc.

Dates: 1994

Alan Everett Hudson papers

Identifier: SC-2022-14
Scope and Contents

The collection contains a log and journal decorated with paintings and sketches of warships as well as pertinent photographs in a separate album.

Dates: 1890

Alfredo H. Zúñiga Research collection: Periodicals

Identifier: ZRC-2021-01-PER
Dates: 1970 - 2003

Alfredo H. Zúñiga Research collection: Posters

Identifier: ZRC-2021-01-POS
Dates: 1972 - 2022

American Trade Bindings (collection)

Identifier: SC-57
Scope and Contents note

The American Trade Bindings Book Collection consists of 5095 volumes (as of 10/09/2012) of fiction and non-fiction published circa 1880-1940. The books were collected for their artistic illustrated cover bindings but they provide insight into the reading habits of that time period in the United States. Access to the catalog records is available in the OPAC.

Dates: 1880-1940; Majority of material found within 1880 - 1940

Alfredo H. Zúñiga Research collection: Amin David papers (Collection)

Identifier: ZRC-2017-01
Abstract The Amin David Papers (1996-2016) provide a comprehensive look at the decades of influential community activism and civic leadership of Amin David in Orange County. An immigrant from Chihuahua, Mexico who became a U.S. citizen, David founded the impactful Los Amigos organization to address issues between police and residents. The collection contains materials documenting Los Amigos' work on education, civil rights, public safety, government transparency, and arts and culture initiatives...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1976 - 2016

Anaheim Citrus Fruit Association records (Collection)

Identifier: LH-CA-01
Scope and Contents Included in the collection are two volumes of the Board of Directors minute books (1932-1938)(1939-1951), and a volume of the stockholder's minute book (1917-1950). Also included are annual reports, and writing on the early history of the organization by longtime director, J.J. Dwyer, in 1943. There are also folders containing circular letters, contracts, business papers and records of Leonard Hessel's finances and receipts. Two wrought iron seals of the Anaheim Citrus Fruit Association as...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1917 - 1951

Archives of the Holocaust (Collection)

Identifier: FC-2018-04
Scope and Contents The Archives of the Holocaust was established in August 1972 by the Department of Religious Studies. The collection includes materials and research related to Dr. Morton C. Fierman's course titled "The Holocaust: the ordeal of European Jewry during the Second World War as reflected in art, music, drama, fiction, poetry, historical, psychological, and religious writing", developed in February 1972. The collection includes articles, audio recordings of Dr. Fierman's lectures,...
Dates: 1946 - 1980

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CSUF University Archives & Special Collections 178
Lawrence De Graaf Center for Oral and Public History 4
Science fiction, American 28
Citrus fruit industry -- Orange County (Calif.) 13
Orange County (Calif.) -- History. 12
Correspondence. 7
Education, Higher -- Fullerton (Calif.) 6
∨ more
World War, 1939-1945 5
Citrus fruit industry 4
Citrus fruits--Marketing 4
Agricultural cooperative credit associations 3
Alternative press publications 3
Antisemitism. 3
Authors, American -- 20th century -- Correspondence 3
Citrus -- Diseases and pests 3
Citrus -- Varieties 3
Fan magazines 3
Journalism 3
Placentia (Calif.) -- History 3
Presidential candidates -- United States 3
Science fiction -- Collectibles 3
Trees, Care of 3
Weather 3
Women authors, American 3
education 3
Anti-communist movements--United States 2
Arrangement (Music) 2
California, Southern 2
Chicano movement 2
Citrus crate labels 2
College presidents 2
College presidents -- Fullerton (Calif.) 2
Composition (Music) 2
Concentration camps -- Manzanar (Calif.) 2
Conspiracies 2
Dune (Imaginary place) -- Fiction 2
Ecology 2
Environmentalism 2
Exhibitions 2
Gay liberation movement 2
Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942 - 1945 2
Manzanar (Calif.) -- History 2
Music 2
Mystery stories, [films, etc.] 2
Oral history 2
Periodicals 2
Popular culture -- American influence 2
Protest and social movements 2
Television scripts 2
Theater -- 20th Century 2
World War, 1939 - 1945 -- Japanese Americans 2
Abortion 1
Abortion -- Law and legislation -- United States 1
Academic Libraries 1
Actors 1
Advertising fliers -- History -- United States -- 20th Century 1
Alternative medicine 1
American Indians 1
American Literature -- 20th century 1
American Revolution, 1775-1783 1
Amnesty--United States 1
Anaheim (Calif.) -- History 1
Anarchism 1
Animal rights 1
Animal welfare 1
Anti-fascist movements 1
Antisocial personality disorders 1
Antiwar demonstrations 1
Apartheid--South Africa 1
Arab-Israeli conflict 1
Arizona -- History 1
Arroyo Grande Valley (Calif.) 1
Artists' bookplates 1
Astrographic catalog and chart 1
Atlases 1
Beaches 1
Big little books 1
Birth control 1
Bookplate designers 1
Bookplates, American 1
Bookplates, English 1
Brasses -- England 1
Business writing. 1
California -- History 1
California -- Politics and government 1
Cartographic materials 1
Cartography -- History 1
Cartography -- Periodicals 1
Censorship 1
Children 1
Children's literature -- English 1
Chinese 1
Christianity 1
Citrus fruits--Harvesting 1
Civil War, 1861-1865 1
Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence 1
Civil defense 1
Civil rights movements 1
Classical geography 1
Cliffs 1
Coast changes -- Calif -- Orange County 1
Coasts 1
∧ less
English 178
Spanish; Castilian 5
Chinese 1
French 1
California State University, Fullerton. CSU Fullerton. CSUF 5
California State University, Fullerton. Main Art Gallery 2
Clinton, Hillary Rodham (Hillary Diane), 1947- 2
Democratic National Convention. Democratic Party (U.S.). National Convention 2
Eichelberger, Robert L., General (Robert Lawrence), 1886-1961 2
∨ more
Sanders, Bernard (Bernie), 1941- 2
Ackerman, Forrest J. World of science fiction 1
Ackerman, Forrest J., 1916 - 2008 1
Asimov, Isaac, 1920 - 1992 1
Bancroft, Azariah Ashley 1
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 1832-1918 1
Barrows, David P., 1873-1954 1
Becker, Stephen L. 1
Bell, Eric Temple, 1883-1960 1
Benford, Gregory, 1941 - 1
Bradbury, Ray (Raymond Douglas), 1920-2012 1
Bread & Roses (Organization) 1
Broadbent, Lee A. 1
CBS News. Columbia Broadcasting System, inc. CBS News 1
California State University, Fullerton. University Library 1
Carpenter, Virginia L. 1
Clark, Fred G., 1890-1973 1
Conaway, B.F. (Benjamin Franklin), (1848 - 1935) 1
David, Amin 1
Davidson, Avram, 1923 - 1993 1
De Vet, Charles V., 1911 - 1997 1
Dick, Philip K. (Philip Kindred), 1928 - 1982 1
Donoghue, Mildred R. 1
Fahrenheit 451 (1967) 1
Fierman, Morton C. (Morton Charles), 1914 - 1995 1
Foster, Sy (Sydney) 1
Frankel, Dextra, 1924-2016 1
Fédération internationale de volleyball 1
Gaddis, Vincent H., 1913 - 1997 1
Gerrold, David, 1944 - 1
Gordon, Milton A., President, 1936-2017 1
Harrison, Harry, 1925 - 2012 1
Haven, Arch, 1881 - 1960 1
Haven, Edwin M., (1855-1917) 1
Haven, G.W., 1831-1906 1
Haven, Lawrence, 1895 - 1
Haven, Robert, 1901 - 1
Helaine Victoria Press 1
Henderson, Zenna, 1917 - 1983 1
Hickox, Lou P. 1
Hopf, Alice L. (Alice Lightner), 1904-1988 1
Huber Engle, Clara 1
Jardine, Jack Owen, 1931-2009 1
Ku Klux Klan . Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. KKK (1915- ) 1
Lawrence, Viola, 1894-1973 1
Liberation News Service (New York, N.Y.). LNS 1
Los Amigos of Orange County 1
MacArthur, Douglas, General, 1880-1964 1
MacDonald, Philip, 1900 - 1980 1
Malzberg, Barry N., 1939 - 1
Manzanar War Relocation Center. United States. War Relocation Authority. Manzanar Relocation Center (1942-1945) 1
McNelly, Willis E. (Willis Everett), 1920-2003 1
Morressy, John, 1930 - 2006 1
Nicholas and Lee Begovich Gallery 1
O'Casey, Sean, 1880-1964 1
Palmer, Elisha, 1878 - 1958 1
Peralta, Luis María, 1759-1851 1
Philip K. Dick Society 1
Pico, Pío, 1801-1894 1
Pollak Library 1
Poyer, Joe, 1939 - 1
Ransome, Arthur, 1884-1967 1
Richardson, Robert S. (Robert Shirley), 1902 - 1981 1
Rocklynne, Ross, 1913 - 1988 1
Rotary International. Fullerton 1
Saberhagen, Fred, 1930 - 2007 1
Sansom, Emma, 1847 - 1900 1
Selling of the Pentagon (Television program) (1971) 1
Shaw, Bernard 1
Smart, Mary A. 1
Spain. Ejército Popular de la República. Abraham Lincoln Battalion. Abraham Lincoln Brigade 1
Spinrad, Norman 1
Stearns, Abel, 1798-1871 1
Stewart, Cameron, 1939 - 1987 1
Stover, Leon, 1929 - 2006 1
Talbot-Martin, Elizabeth, 1911 - 2006 1
Teatro Campesino (Organization) (1965 - ) 1
Television and Media Support Center 1
Thunberg, Greta, 2003 - 1
United Daughters of the Confederacy 1
United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia. American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia (1918-1920) 1
United States. National Recovery Administration. National Recovery Administration (U.S.) 1
United States. Weather Bureau 1
Upchurch, Boyd, 1919 - 2013 1
Valdez, Luis, 1940 - 1
Van Scyoc, Sydney, 1939 - 1
Wells, Basil, 1912 - 2003 1
Williams, Robert Moore, 1917 - 1977 1
Winsten, Stephen, 1893-1991 1
Young, James D., 1921 - 2014 1
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